Monday, September 30, 2019

Oil/Gas Pipelines: Opportunities and Challenges

Oil has become the most in-demand product in the world. It has become the center of round-table discussions, and never that a single day passed without it being on the news. Decrease in its supply could mean the downfall of nations, especially the industrialized ones. This was evident in three world oil crises in 1973, 1979, and a brief one in 1990, which reversed the flow of money, making the oil-producing countries in the Middle East the vital force that could change the direction of the future of the world. Their cut-offs in production led to the creation of policies and rules on consumption, saving, and independence from oil.A nation, controlling the production, selling, and over-all management of oil, is assured of a significant posting in any field of the world’s lifestyle, but most importantly in politics and economics (Tanter, 2007). To become something like this, a nation should invest in ways on how to transport oil from its sources to its consumers, like the creatio n of networks of pipelines.Research and development projects have been carried out and continuously be done to meet the challenges in connection with oil and gas pipelines. One of these is the continuing drive to discover more oil and gas reserves locked under the earth or offshore. There are still many places in the planet that need to be explored. Even the most extreme environments should be included, like what they did to the North Sea.Designing and manufacturing pipes will still emerge as one of the important factors in the realm of oil and gas pipelines. Through the years, designs have been continuously improved to accommodate several factors like environment, and the nature of oil and gas. Researchers now consider the direct relationship of the size of the diameter of the pipe with the flow capacity of the product. Moreover, they also examine the expansion and contraction of pipes during the transportation of oil and gas due to significant temperature change, which could resul t to cracks, collapse tensions, and other similar effects. Materials will continuously be tested to determine the best for pipes. Though steel is already being used, improvements are still being done to test durability. Stresses and fractures, especially offshore projects, should be accounted for to minimize the percentage of failure. Cathodic protection against corrosion should be upheld to the highest level to assure the survivability of the pipes throughout the project.Terrorism attacks on pipelines will remain one of the most feared human phenomena. This is due to the fact that whenever pipelines are bombed or attacked, industries are affected. With this, countries should strengthen their monitoring schemes to ensure the safety and zero attack on their pipelines.Keeping with the laws of nature and environment also poses great challenge to companies engaged in oil and gas pipelines. Discovery of new sites for extraction will always encounter similar scenario with the trans-Alaska crude pipeline project, which was delayed for nine years, because the construction of pipelines was attached to environmental issues (Kennedy, 1993). Environmentalists will still be around the corner to watch the movements of oil companies.A greater challenge is on the side of politics and regulation. Better policies and laws covering the construction of pipelines, and transportation of oil and gas should be enacted to cover threats and possible failure-causing movements, especially in explorations crossing two different countries. Faster approval of laws should be done to maximize the economic potentials of the discovered oil and gas reserves.The greatest challenge could be the offering of affordable price of pipelined products to consumers. Companies must take note that the advancements they make with pipe designs and manufacturing, and the entire pipeline construction and transportation project, should go at par with the purchasing power of consumers, who are directly affected b y any oil price hike.Since the drilling of the first commercial oil well in 1859 in Pennsylvania, the evolution of pipelines has gone a long way, though remaining as the most economical way (Kennedy, 1993). Oil and gas pipelines are efficient, using only 4% of the energy content of the transported product. This is far better in comparison with other modes of transportation like water, rail, and trucks (Dykesteen & Frantzen, 1991).Higher levels of technology give way for the development of better pipes and more sophisticated pipeline networks. These could yield higher efficiency rate and better service for the people, who basically need the product in their everyday living.The construction of country’s own pipelines could spell independence from importing oil and gas from foreign countries. This could also alleviate problems on oil crisis, and cut-off on importation rate. This could consequently clip the country to economic prosperity because of the removal of the burdens of o il importation.Pipelines transport oil, and natural gas from extracting wells located in the different parts of the globe, including the most hostile areas like Alaska and Siberia. These products are then refined, and prepared for consumption by all citizens in all corners of the world. These products when properly used could continuously fuel the economic progress of any country involved with it.References:CBC News Online. 2006. The price of oil – in context. Retrieved 29 June 2007., E & K Frantzen. 1991. Multiphase Fraction Meter Developed and Field Tested. Oil & Gas Journal. 18 February 1991: 50.Kennedy, JL. 1993. Oil And Gas Pipeline Fundamentals. 2nd ed. Oklahoma: PennWell Books.Tanter, R. 2007. Pipeline Politics: Oil, Gas and the US Interest in Afghanistan. Znet. Retrieved 29 June 2007., J. 2006. Additions on the Capacity of the US Natural Gas Pipeline Network: 2005. Energy Informat ion Administration, Office of Oil and Gas. Retrieved 29 June 2007.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Netflix Case Analysis

Case Analysis: Netflix. com, Inc k JAVK Consulting Company 6/14/2011 600 Civic Center Dr Detroit, MI 48226 Dear Mr. Hastings, Our company JAVK Consulting has examined the Netflix customer model and looked into the company’s five year financial future. We have analyzed Netflix with a scope of entering a rocky internet based company marketplace and seeing success in the future. The company currently is pumping lots of money into marketing strategy in order to growth their customer base and is in turn facing financial troubles while they approach their initial public offering stage.As you read through our analysis of Netflix you will find our company’s thought on your financial performance so far, look into a subscriber model and correlated cash flows, and develop an idea of financing solutions to manage growth. While more users are using mainstream technology such as DVD players, video game consoles, laptops, combined along with high-speed internet the creates a growing e nvironment for a consumers wanting entertainment at their joysticks and fingertips. Our aspiration is for Netflix to have a successful run at an IPO if chosen and manage their customer growth along the way for long term success.Thank you for the chance to help your business thrive. We hope you agree with our financial outlook of Netflix and make a decision that catapults your company into financial success. Sincerely, JAVK Consulting Group Problem Statement: Based on Initial discussion and evaluation, we understand that the launch of Initial Public Offering (IPO) is critical and needs to be evaluated if the company should go forward with the offering, as a result of number of internet companies have been forced to withdraw their IPOs due to market down turn.Secondly the need to show positive cash flows within a twelve month horizon in order to have a successful offering. Third to suggest modifications that would improve the company’s projected cash flows given the fact that t he revenues were doubling every six months. One of the most critical points of success for Netflix depended on the company’s ability to manage and sustain their triple-digit growth into the foreseeable future. Analysis: Technology is continuously facing rapid change which gives a company such as Netflix an exclusive opportunity for a first mover advantage in a new market.The Netflix product is one that can ship easily and cost effectively or be received directly to internet connections worldwide. The definite increase in internet and console users is creating a consumer demand for entertainment that Netflix can fill. This versatile product paired with emerging technology has led to rapid growth for the Netflix Company. The basic elements of Netflix core products give them an advantage over brick and mortar stores such as Blockbuster as Netflix offers a more personalized movie experience, the same new titles, all along with no time restrictions or late fees.As part of this lon g term objective Netflix’s goal is to grow its customer base and retain users of free trial software. The goal of the free software is to have a positive acquisition rate of free trial users after a month of free service and retain them into the long run future. After retention, the goal of Netflix is to withhold those customers into the long term future by tailoring the Netflix product in a unique way to each customer. Netflix does this by adapting their website interactions for each customer based off of their viewing history and preferences using a unique personal movie finder service.By offering this personalized service video users can find movies they would enjoy and possibly use the Netflix mail service. Theoretically speaking, Netflix performance to date has been positive (although the company has been incurring loss year over year) considering the high operating expenses for the initial years of a new business is common as most businesses make it or break it in their first 2-3 years which seems to be a normal trend considering this industry where the fixed assets increase year over year and the revenue generated on the fixed assets could drastically diminish based on user preference.Netflix has an extremely high growth rate for their revenues as they are doubling every six months. While revenues are doubling in the last year sales and marketing expenses have gone up more than three times. The main objective now is to make sure that after an initial public offering Netflix will continue to create positive cash flows. We believe that Netflix has chosen the subscriber model to forecast its cash flow requirements because it is the most precise representation of how the company receives cash on a monthly basis.Netflix at its core is in the movie rental industry, the only cash inflows received are from subscribers that pay monthly subscription fees. The basic elements of the subscriber model are monthly subscribers, subscription fees, and movie usage including movies rented and shipping costs. Based on these elements costs and revenues can be narrowed down and correlated to individual aspects of the model and accurate cash flows can be formed in order to predict future profitability. The subscriber model is fitting for Netflix for these reasons as subscribers are essentially their only cash inflows.Exhibit A, illustrates the subscribe model premise. In our analysis, we used the subscriber model to forecast future cash flows. This allows us to see potential revenues month to month based on the initial subscriber rate and percentage, while incorporating the cost to your company for each additional subscriber. We have forecasted potential cash flows as well as revenues for the next five years (Exhibit D & Exhibit E). This gives us an idea of where we are going and how we will get there. Currently it costs your company $106. 58(Exhibit B) for the first month of a free trial customer.This cost is offset by paid subscribers and can b e considered a marketing expense. Every month each paid subscriber earns you on average $5. 82 (Exhibit B) in revenue. Netflix should continue trying to obtain new subscribers since there is a positive cash inflow for those customers after a weighted average is formed. Based on the weighted average of customers who stay with Netflix and those that leave there is a positive NPV based on the retention percentages. There are three basic types of customers for Netflix, one month trail exiting users, six month exiting users, and over five year users.Based off the retention ratios after one month 70% of customers from the free trail stay with Netflix, after that first month 42% of the original 70% stay for six months and 28% stay longer than six months (we have assumed it to be of at least 5 years and above). If a customer leaves after one month of free service your company would suffer a loss of $19. 26 (Exhibit B) given the fact that the initial purchase ($98. 28) of DVD(s) can be reuse d ($88. 45) for the other new subscribers by purchasing an incremental of 2 DVD(s) which move to the back catalogue as they become obsolete.Netflix can convert and retain those customers for six months they generate $1. 21(Exhibit B) of cash inflow for each customer. If the cash flow from acquiring new subscribers was negative we would advise your company to take an alternate route for generating cash flows. If your company continues with current business, retaining 28% of initial customers at least 5 years and above, the net present value of your corporation will be $65,851,642 (Exhibit E) based on certain assumption listed in Exhibit E.This NPV of your company after 5 years is based on the weighted average NPV percentages that we determined for each of the three customer categories; one month subscribers, six month subscribers and five year subscribers. Over sixty five million as a NPV is a glamorous number to project but it requires your company to retain the current customer ret ention ratios over the three timeline increments (Exhibit C). If these retention ratios are held strong then we have determined the weighted NPV per subscriber would be $34. 34 (Exhibit C).While this number is far from over sixty five million dollars over the five year time retention span it grows to be exactly that. Conclusion/Recommendation: Based on our analysis we have come up with some solutions to improve your overall cash flows and strengthen the financial health of your company. These solutions are not far from the product that Netflix currently offers so making the changes would not place a large burden on costs. Also, the changes will offer a more customer focused and interactive experience with the Netflix product.Initially your first goal should be to increase the retention rate of potential new trial subscribers. Given that internet users are increasing year over year, we recommend that your company consider online video streaming (video on demand) which will be an out of the box approach. Using the online media streaming can help your company to cut down on sales and advertising cost. Secondly with introduction of online streaming reduce the membership fees to 75% of the current rates which will help you increase customer retention rates.Third, promote revenue sharing which can help increase you marketing base while cutting your expenses. Forth is to promote referral bonus (can vary based on number of referrals provided) which can help you boost your sales through you existing customer base and in return reduce your operational expenses. Lastly to reduce the trial period to 2 weeks (if done by Mail only) and this will result in increase of NPV of Netflix by $25. 8 million (increase of NPV/subscriber from 34. 34 to 44. 10). Netflix is becoming even more personalized and may cut undesired costs such as unnecessary shipping costs.By doing this you will increase your profitability and decrease your cost to acquire a new customer. Another recommendati on is to continue to encourage all online subscribers to rate films. This will encourage other subscribers to rent more movies and help with the automatic marquee queue available to online subscribers. By encouraging this interactive use with the Netflix website the company will have an idea of which DVD’s to spend money purchasing and will be able to keep an updated DVD library that meets the growing demand of new subscribers.To conclude, your company should delay the IPO until the economic condition improves and use this additional time to evaluate some of our recommendation to attain positive cash flows which can play in your favor. Appendix: Exhibit A – Subscriber Model Premises| Cost/New DVD| $ 17. 55 | Shipping Cost/DVD| $ 1. 00 | Number of DVD Initial Marque Queue| $ 4. 00 | Number of DVD Shipped /Month| $ 4. 30 | New DVD 1st Month| $ 5. 60 | Number of new DVD(s) subsequent Month| $ 0. 56 | Revenue /Month| $ 19. 95 | Free trial| $ 1. 00 |Discount Rate| 20%| Exhi bit B -New Subscriber Model| | Free| Paid| Paid| Paid| Paid| Paid| Paid| Paid| Paid| Paid| Paid| Paid|   | M1| M2| M3| M4| M5| M6| M7| M8| M9| M10| M11| M12| Revenue|   | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | Cost of DVD/ initial (one time)| $ (98. 28)|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Cost of DVD/ releases|   | $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| Shipping initial DVD's| $ (4. 0)|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Shipping new DVD's| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| Net Revenue| $(106. 58)| $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | Exhibit C – Calculation of Net Present Value per new subs criber|   | *assumes that if a subscriber stays with Netflix longer than 6 months will stay 5 years| Subscribers | 1 Mon| 6 Mon| 5 Yrs. *|   | Probability| 30%| 42%| 28%|   |Weighted NPV per Subscriber| ($19. 26)| $1. 21 | $141. 46 | $34. 34 |   |   |   |   |   | C1| $ (106. 58)| $ (106. 58)| $ (106. 58)|   | C2| $ 88. 45 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 |   | C3|   | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 |   | C4|   | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 |   | C5|   | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 |   | C6|   | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 |   | C7|   | $ 88. 45 | $ 5. 82 |   | †¦|   |   | †¦ |   | C8|   |   | $ 5. 82 |   | C60|   |   | $ 5. 82 |   | C61|   |   | $ 88. 45 |   | CF By Month|   |   |   |   |Exhibit D – Projection of new subscribers 2000| |   | Revenue Growth rate 1998 –> 1999 | 274%| Existing subscribers| 110,724 | New Subscribers paid status| 303,231 | 30% free| 90,969 | New Subscribers 2000| 394,201 | Exhibit E – Value of Netflix|    | 2000| 2001| 2002| 2003| 2004|   | | | | | |   | NPV per Subscriber| $34. 34 |   |   |   |   |   | Discounted Rate| 20%|   |   |   |   |   | Growth rate per new subscriber|   |   | 49%| 49%| 49%| 49%|   | | | | | |   | Existing subscribers| | 110,724 |   |   |   |   | Value of existing subscribers| | 3,802,273 |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |New Subscribers| | 394,201 | 587,359 | 875,165 | 1,303,995 | 1,942,953 | Value of new subscribers| | 13,536,829 | 20,169,875 | 30,053,114 | 44,779,140 | 66,720,918 |   | |   |   |   |   |   | Total subscriber value|   | 17,339,102 | 20,169,875 | 30,053,114 | 44,779,140 | 66,720,918 |   | |   |   |   |   |   | Product development| | 7,413,000 | 7,413,000 | 7,413,000 | 7,413,000 | 7,413,000 | General and administrative| | 2,085,000 | 2,085,000 | 2,085,000 | 2,085,000 | 2,085,000 | Total Cost|   | 9,498,000 | 9,498,000 | 9,498,000 | 9,498,000 | 9,498 ,000 |   | |   |   |   |   |   |Total Subscriber value minus cost|   | 7,841,102 | 10,671,875 | 20,555,114 | 35,281,140 | 57,222,918 | NPV of Netflix|   | 65,851,642 |   |   |   |   | Assumptions:| Existing customers pay 19. 95 per month (same as new customers)| Additional cost projected at the same level as 1999NPV of Netflix only includes cash inflow and outflows and have not considered any liquidation value|

Saturday, September 28, 2019

An Over View Of The DHL Company

An Over View Of The DHL Company DHL has been able to create a strong image with the public through an extensive presence on the roads and a bold and bright brand. This has meant that this image has been maintained with minimal advertising, as DHL are advertising themselves and new services when the public see their fleet of vehicles on the road. Together with clever sponsorship of events such as Formula 1, this has resulted in the general public perception of DHL being a brand that is strong and reliable – two vital attributes in the logistics industry. However, there are still some areas for DHL to improve its communication strategy. By perhaps communicating employees an idea of the success of the service centre they work in, they could have a greater sense of belonging to DHL. Also, there could perhaps be more scope for DHL staff to communicate to higher levels of management if there is a need to, rather than going through various levels of the hierarchy. The revamping of the company magazine has been one way that DHL has combated this, by bringing the ideas of those at the very top of the hierarchy with those at the bottom. However, by doing this in a more work-related manner, communication may be improved. DHL Express DHL is a courier service that is currently active in more than 220 countries around the world and employs some 300,000 employees. Therefore good and clear communication throughout the organisation is vital. DHL’s success can only be achieved if a consistent message is delivered throughout the whole company. By aligning the message given internally to the message it conveys to its different external stakeholders, DHL has built a brand that is solid, respectable, and consistent. This is all the more impressive given that DHL has been taken over by another organisation-Deutsche Post – in the past 10 ten years. DHL’s mission statement has four main themes which contribute towards reaching the ‘DHL Vision’. This vision is that the company is trusted by customers as â€Å"the preferred global express and logistics partner, leading the industry in terms of quality, profitability and market share†. The four main parts of the mission statement cover issues such as product quality, quality of staff, returns of the business (again the three relate to different stakeholders), and finally DHL’s role as a responsible corporate citizen. Argenti (2003) argues that â€Å"firms need to consider their corporate communication effort as manifested in the company’s vision and mission statement†. Therefore, it is likely that these goals are at the centre of how DHL organises its communications effort. For example, DHL points towards its multi-cultural heritage and the ability of the company to find solutions at all levels of the business process. These are undeniably important assets to the company but are only useful if they can be incorporated into an effective communication model. Internal Communication Given the nature of the logistics industry, there is a need for a precise route for messages to be delivered on time. It comes as no surprise to see DHL’s UK hierarchy is one that is well-balanced and clear. Ken McCall, the MD of DHL Express UK sits atop the hierarchy. Next there is the board of nine Directors, who are reported to directly by the operations field director. He gains his information from the head of each of the 39 service centres in the UK. Within the service centre, the hierarchy has five levels, but cross-communication is much easier, especially amongst the bottom three levels. There is a head of the service centre, who manages a supervisor. Then there are the office staff and the sales team. There are then senior couriers before the lowest level made up of couriers and warehouse staff.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Nursing Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Nursing Research - Assignment Example The later is more common than the former, and it involves disconnecting the ventilator from the patient and then suctioning his or her airway (Anton, & Buiting, 2011). However, disconnecting a ventilator is dangerous because it can cause some disturbances including the loss of lung volume, oxygen desaruration, and a large drog in in the pressure of the airways (Anton, & Buiting, 2011). Therefore, open suctioning is not appropriate for patients affected by an acute respiration distress syndrome. Closed suctioning systems have partly replaced the open suctioning systems. This is because closed suctioning systems allow uninterrupted ventilation, which helps avoid gas-exchange impairment during suctioning and helps decrease the loss of uninterrupted ventilation (Anton, & Buiting, 2011). In closed suctioning systems, the loss of lung volume and the generating of negative airway pressure occur whenever the flow from a ventilator is somewhat lower than the expected suction flow. Studies hav e shown that using closed suctioning in volume-controlled ventilation condition may lead to unpredictably high positive end-expiratory pressure in cases where the suction catheter is inserted (Lasocki et al 2006). While in open endotracheal suctio

Thursday, September 26, 2019

European union law free movemenet of goods Case Study

European union law free movemenet of goods - Case Study Example c) Denmark has passed a law banning the use of plastic packaging and requiring the use of recyclable materials instead, such as paper or aluminium foil. SCP's Cheesy Snax have always been sold in plastic packs, and no other material is as effective in keeping them fresh. d) Ireland has passed a law requiring all food products to be guaranteed free from genetically modified (GM) produce. SCP goes to great lengths to ensure that it does not knowingly use GM products, but it knows that it cannot be absolutely sure that the ingredients it buys are totally free from contamination. 2. The case of Keck drew a distinction between rules relating to the goods themselves and rules relating to selling arrangements. Do you consider that this distinction is a useful or practical way of determining which rules are contrary to Article 28, EC Treaty 1. The questions and issues pertaining hereto relate to obstacles to internal trade in the European Community. As counsel I would approach each case by looking firstly into the municipal legislation and the existence of harmonisation and attempt the procedural removal of the related obstacles from that direction. Where no such harmonisation was made, the approach will be taken from the concept of mutual recognition under Article 30 of the Treaty of Rome. The obstacles herein are obviously not fiscal, so analysis of their natures will also be made whether the bases fall under the mandatory requirements1 or justified exceptional grounds (to Article 30) for prohibitions or restrictions or whether they do constitute arbitrary discrimination or disguised restriction on trade between Member States.2 Only when the proper evaluation of the factual and legal issues is made can the proper remedies be considered and taken in the proper fora. 1.a. France. In this particular case, the subject matter relates to food which is already subject to harmonisation and the French ban is made on the basis of a preservative SO2. Any relief can only be made pursuant to EU regulations on the matter of food safety, in this case Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 which has a horizontal effect. Determination must be made whether the ban on SO2 containing foodstuffs was made based on risk analysis under Article 6 of the said regulation or as a precautionary measure pursuant to Article 7 thereof. The problem only stated that said ban was made after the publication of one scientific study suggesting carcinogenic tendencies in food products containing the said preservative despite the existence of contrary findings of many other scientific studies. In other words, the scientific study was not a risk assessment within the context of Regulation No. 178/2002. Furthermore, it was not a risk management measure and could not have taken into account the opinion of the European Food Safety Authority or the factors of proportionality and non-restrictiveness of trade under Article 7 of the said regulation. On such ground, I would advice SCP to pursue an initial claim in the French government for the suspension of the ban and the conduct of a proper and independent risk assessment based on all available scientific evidence on the matter. If denied, the proper claim may be made in the French Court of First Instance for the relief of the ban and an appeal in the Supreme Court if denied. If further denied, a

Life for African Americans in the United States after slavery was Essay

Life for African Americans in the United States after slavery was abolished - Essay Example After the defeat of the Confederacy, the southern states faced economic and physical devastation. While millions of slaves got freedom legally, the political infrastructures of the southern states lost their legitimacy. Transformation of the South into a free labor economy and readmission of the southern states to the union imparted the need for reconstruction of the South. Freedom fight of the slaves in the post-Civil War and the Reconstruction Era transformed into a struggle for survival. Most of the slaves that had been withdrawn from the plantations were penniless. African Americans’ wages frequently fluctuated as a result of their perceived worth. Manual labor could be replaced easily in the post-Civil War era. There were only a few ex-slaves that had the kind of money to own a piece of land as a vast majority of the ex-slaves dealt with the issue of lack of source of income. As per the estimate of the 1880 Census, no more than 20 per cent of the African Americans were, i n part, the owners of the land on which they farmed (â€Å"Being an African American†). Most of such holdings were also beset with debt that led to the crippling of the ex-slaves in the long run. For some, life at the time of slavery was better than after its abolishment because as slaves, they at least had some place to sleep and eat at that time. Sharing his views on the dark side of emancipation in the post-Civil War era, Johnson stated, â€Å"Since them times, a many a nigger has had it tough to make a livin’. I know dat is so, too, cause I has been all long dere† (Johnson). Ex-slaves saw immense poverty during the Reconstruction Era. Years of prevalence of poverty caused a lack of medical care and nourishment among the ex-slaves which resulted in a high rate of mortality among the African Americans in general and among their children in particular. Ex-slaves were under the burden of due medical bills and were still not able to access the required medical at tention. Many started using herbal remedies to treat their illnesses. According to the Census of 1900, annual death rate of the African Americans was 30 in every 1,000 opposed to no more than 17 per 1,000 among the White Americans (â€Å"Being an African American†). 79 years old James Johnson, an ex-slave from Columbia noted that he â€Å"[felt] and [knew] dat de years after de war was worser than befo’† (Johnson). Although the slaves’ freedom was secured by The Emancipation Proclamation and victory of The Union, yet ex-slaves were not liberated under the Jim Crow Laws and segregation. Emancipation brought along with it new kinds of challenges, insecurities, and problems for the ex-slaves. Malnourishment and health deterioration were only some of the multitude of problems ex-slaves had to deal with in the post-Civil War era. A deep sense of isolation from their families weakened the ex-slaves emotionally and psychologically. This division was mainly cause d by the sale of slaves, owners’ death, and presentation of the slaves in the pre-Civil War era as gifts from one owner to another. The slaves’ newly found freedom was dampened by loneliness and alienation. White Americans not only saw the African Americans as a nuisance upon normality but also as a potential risk to their dominance. â€Å"Our greatest danger is that in the great leap from slavery to freedom we may overlook the fact that the masses of us are to live by the productions of our hands, and fail to keep in mind that we shall prosper in proportion as we learn to dignify and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Pepsi Corporation and Its Subsidiaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Pepsi Corporation and Its Subsidiaries - Essay Example This made a great impact on the sales as it greatly increased more than its competitors such as Coca-Cola. In the year1940, sugar prices hiked and lead to Pepsi-Cola to drop from 23% to 16% market share. Alfred N. Steele, a former marketing executive with Coca-Cola Company, became President in 1949 and he tagged along 15 other former Coke managers. They came up with a campaign aimed at rejuvenating the company. He expanded the Vice President’s power and set aside $38 million for the purchase of new facilities and plants. He re-standardized the Pepsi-Cola’s taste, revitalized franchising agreements and launched an advertising campaign. All these changes made the image of Pepsi to be a fun, glamorous product from its low-cost portrait. In 1963, Donald M. Kendall took the oath of office after Steele’s death and under him, five policies were created; adverts to be carried out in a big and unpredictable way, expand the soft drink to new territories, come up with innovative packaging, to take Pepsi-Cola to the overseas and diversity through acquisition. PepsiCo was formed in 1965 when Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay Inc. merged. This was the company’s first move in diversification. (Fortune p. 148) From the Frico-Lay Inc.’s merge, PepsiCo continued with its acquisition policy. In 1968, North America Van Lines was acquitted. Later on in1970, Wilson Sporting Goods was added to the acquitted list. Lee waay Motor Freight was acquired in 1976 and the following year Pizza hut was acquired. In 1978, Taco Bell was acquired than in 1982 and 1986, La Petite Boulangerie and Kentucky Fried Chicken were acquired. However, PepsiCo had no managerial expertise in running a business that was not associated with beverages or food. This later led to Kendall selling van line, motor freight and sporting business. In 1986, D. Wayne Calloway succeeded Kendall. Calloway had previously held 9 positions with PepsiCo and played a major role in the success of Frito-Lay.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

ESOL and Training for Security Industry Authority Licence Essay

ESOL and Training for Security Industry Authority Licence - Essay Example This essay explores the topic of teaching and training that becomes more and more challenging for the educators or trainers of many migrants. The researcher analyzes the effects of the diversity among the community, that strengthens its economic and social status. On the other hand, it entails social responsibilities that involve the need to educate then effectively especially its immigrants. Continuous expansion of the European Union has brought about the increase in migrant workers struggling to fit into the new community that demands the need to learn the English language to meet the needs and the demands of the society. In addition, the researcher mentiones that learning the English language moreover helps migrants understand more the ideas that they need to know in accordance to the society’s requirement as member of the new group of civilization. Their limited English proficiency therefore implies a need for further development or innovations of the teaching and training strategies. Their difficulty in the English language limits their capability in understanding the ideas and ideals that the community would want to emphasize. The researcher then states that the increasing number of English as Second Other Language learners choosing the Security Level 2 training in the Security Industry Authority that involves Licensing affects the teaching modes such that a more interactive and transactional oral communication should be developed in order to meet the needs of the learners.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Deviation in the process metric Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Deviation in the process metric - Essay Example So attempts to remove or replicate a deviation that occurred in the past are being made as a reaction to those changes. In the reactive state, the team looked at cause and effect. In proactive mode, attention shifts to the "likely cause" and "likely effect." Lean teams in this phase spend time shaping the future: looking for potential problems and opportunities and ways to avoid or exploit them. After the potential problem analysis, the team addresses the likely cause of a process performance decline by taking preventive actions. If, despite preventive actions, the likely cause does occur, the team is prepared for damage control with planned contingency actions. Potential opportunity analysis helps teams explore the future for better-than-planned process performance, helping them promote the likely cause so process performance exceeds expectations. They take promoting actions to capitalize on the potential positive effect. When things do go better, they are prepared to take full advantage of the opportunity. For example, a company has Support Departments which reacts on users' complains about network performance. Reactive approach is to react on each user's request asking him or her to wait while network be unloaded. Proactive approach in this case is to purchase and install new network equipment that is more costly and takes more time. But proactive approach advantages in strategic outlook because as a result number of users' complains in Support Departments decreases. 3. Illustrate how an organization could use outsourcing to gain a competitive edge on competition. An organization could use outsourcing for managing network security. When this part of work is entrusted to professionals they do it in qualitative manner and for lesser money, what really gives a competitive advantage to the organization. Schweitzer (2004) writes that for some organizations, network management operations may be better served through outsourcing. Freeing up some of staff's administrative duties may merit farming out perhaps a portion of the company's network management tasks. With so many vendors now offering a plenty of services, including remote monitoring and management of networks, it's not difficult to find prices that fall within a range of budgetary parameters. The outsourcing alternative can ease the sometimes perplexing burden of network management. In the end, an effective network security team will exercise a comprehensive management approach that applies both proactive and reactive elements. Individual businesses should engage knowledgeable managers to examine the needs of the company and make choices as to the best courses of action to ensure the highest level of network security available, whether via proactive or reactive means. (Schweitzer 2004) 5. Analyze the assertion that "Security is as much a human problem as a technical problem." When the personal information of hundreds of thousands of individuals comes upon swindlers, many people think that careless computer or

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Function proposal Essay Example for Free

Function proposal Essay Thank you for your enquiry to hold a private function at aqua dining. A dinner is on a Sunday night only from 6.30pm11.30pm. We cater for both a 3 course sit down style or cocktail style event. The sit down menu allows your guests on the day or night to choose their meal from 3 entrà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½es, mains and desserts. Both styles of functions can cater for all dietary needs whether they are vegan, vegetarian, coeliac, an allergy to seafood or just plain eaters. The current menus and beverage package are attached. The beverages, which are included within the package price, are served through out the duration of the function. To ensure the use of fresh seasonal produce the menus are subject to change. We have a list of preferred suppliers which can assist you in organising AV, flowers, chair covers, music and photography. We can set up your specific requirements for your use during your function at no additional cost. The price for a sit down function for 50 guests is $3700 $5500 (inclusive of room hire and beverage) with additional guests being $100 each. The price for a cocktail style event for 50 guests is $2500 $3350(inclusive of room hire and beverage) with additional guests being $80 each. Childrens meals (12 years and under) and service meals are $40 each. To make a booking we require a deposit of $1500 with the balance due 14 days prior to your function. A tentative booking will not be held without a deposit. Payments can be made by cheque, cash or credit card (credit card payments incur a 23% fee). Please note that this price is for functions held during 2008. The prices may be subject to change in 2009. Bookings cancelled within 3 months of the booking date incur loss of full deposit. The deposit less 10% will be refunded if the booking is cancelled 3 months or more prior to the booking date. If the booking is transferred more than a month prior to the date 10% of the deposit is withheld. If the transfer is less then a month prior to the booking 50% of the deposit is withheld. For further information or to make a booking contact our function manager Jo Beshara on 02 9999 1234 or email [emailprotected] Regards Meredith Armstrong General Manager 1. Venue Room Options and Cost (include GST) Corporate functions are welcome to create a room plan suited to your specific requirements. Patrons are of course encouraged to come down regularly and get a feel for the room prior to the event. The followings are suitable room for 50 guests. All packages include venue hire, in house tables chairs, table linen, glasses, crockery, cutlery and background music. If you want to discuss more how we can help make your event perfect, please call our Functions Coordinator Room One The Chandler Room With its ceiling mounted projector, hot red lounges and access to the roof top Zen garden, The Media Room is available for that event when you want it a little more casual and intimate. It is also the perfect room for sit down dinner of up to 50 people. * Room Hire $350 * Function Duration area reserved till midnight. After midnight the area will be open to the public * Room Facilities direct access to designated smoking area, bar area, male/female bathrooms, projector, audio visual, built in screen, built in microphones, speaker system dance floor if required * View river View Room Two The Grange Room The Green Room is a smaller more intimate boardroom with its floor to ceiling windows boasting expansive views that can be used for smaller parties, intimate dining of up to 50 people or corporately for meetings. * Room Hire $250 * Function Duration area reserved till midnight. After midnight the area will be open to the public * Room Facilities male/female bathrooms, bar area, audio visual, wall screen dance floor if required * View garden View 2. Floor Plan Banquet style is most suited for fund raising function. A large conference can be arranged in smaller groups seated around round or rectangular tables where group and workshop activities can be performed through the conference. The banquet style also encourages attendees to network with their immediate group at the conference. Room One The Chandler Room 1,200 sq. ft, 30 x 40, not include foyer area (A) (B) Room Two The Grange Room 1,100 sq. ft., 22 x 50, not include foyer area (A) (B) 3. Menu Suggestions and Cost 3.1 Set Menu Options (include GST) The following is a sample of a set dinner menu available for fund raising functions. Costs may vary depending on the type of menu selected. Gluten Free, Dairy Free and Vegetarian Options are also available on request. All Set Menus are subject to availability of the freshest seasonal produce and may change if not available. Set Menu One $34.95 per person Please choose from one of the following Entrà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e * Spicy marinated calamari rings, lightly crumbed served on a salad of roquette leaves, spanish onion parmesan cheese accompanied with lemon citrus caper aioli * Grilled Turkish bread brushed with garlic olive oil, served with a selection of inhouse dips Main * Grilled Atlantic salmon on wild mushroom soba noodle salad, topped with wasabi hollandaise sauce, served with lemon * Oven-baked chicken supreme filled with semi-dried tomato basil cream cheese topped with tomato avocado salsa, served with petit salad chips Set Menu Two $44.95 per person Please choose from one of the following Entrà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e * Spicy marinated calamari rings, lightly crumbed served on a salad of roquette leaves, spanish onion parmesan cheese accompanied with lemon citrus caper aioli * Grilled Turkish bread brushed with garlic olive oil and served with a selection of inhouse dips Main * Grilled Atlantic salmon on wild mushroom soba noodle salad, topped with wasabi hollandaise sauce, served with lemon * Oven-baked chicken supreme filled with semi-dried tomato basil cream cheese topped with tomato avocado salsa served with petit salad and chips * Eye fillet served with caesar salad chips with your choice of sauces Dessert * Flourless chocolate cake with double cream strawberries * Sticky date pudding with rum raisin ice cream * Pavlova with fresh fruit, chantilly cream and passion fruit pulp Set Menu Three $54.95 per person Served alternatively Entrà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e * Spicy marinated calamari rings, lightly crumbed served on a salad of roquette leaves, spanish onion parmesan cheese accompanied with lemon and citrus caper aioli * Tapas plate for one with roasted marinated vegetables, smoked salmon, marinated mussels fingers if Turkish bread European delicacies served with a selection of dips spreads * Plate of 6 natural oysters served on rock salt with lemon to taste Main * Grilled Atlantic salmon on wild mushroom soba noodle salad, topped with wasabi hollandaise sauce, served with lemon * Oven-baked chicken supreme filled with semi-dried tomato basil cream * Cheese topped with tomato avocado salsa ,served with petit salad chips * Fillet mignon grilled to a smoky flavour, served with caesar salad chips with your choice of sauces Dessert * Flourless chocolate cake with double cream strawberries * Sticky date pudding with rum raisin ice cream * Pavlova with fresh fruit, chantilly cream and passion fruit Pulp Vegetarian Options available with all Set Menus Entrà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e * Pesto bocconcini pizza bread * Chickpea battered vegetables served with accompanying dipping sauces Main * Slow roasted pumpkin baby spinach salad with pine nuts, artichoke hearts roasted capsicum with balsamic dressing * Flat field mushrooms topped with pesto, fetta cheese, semi-dried tomato basil, served with petit salad chickpea vegetable stack Note: All appropriate staffing is also included in the package price. 3.2 Cocktail Style Options (include GST) The following is a sample of cocktail style menu available for fund raising functions. Costs may vary depending on what you selected for canapà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s. Gluten free, dairy free and vegetarian options are also available on request. Please inform us first. All dishes are subject to availability of the freshest seasonal produce and may change if not available. Cocktail Style One $35 per person Your selection of 3 hot 3 cold canapà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s Cocktail Style Two $42 per person Your selection of 4 hot 4 cold canapà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s Cocktail Style Three $48 per person Your selection of 5 hot 5 cold canapà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s + 1 substantial item Cold Canapà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s * Caramelised apple blue cheese crustini * Rare roast beef horseradish en croute * Smoked salmon wasabi cream cup * Chicken smokey paprika mayo fingers * Roasted eggplant fetta cigars * Greek spanokopita * Turkish bread with dhakka virgin olive oil * Sesame, shallot lime seared prawn in a spoon Hot Canapà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s * Thai chicken filo wrap * Long prawn wonton * Fetta roast pumpkin pie * Buttermilk chive pancakes * Indian vegetable Pakoras * Double smoked bacon cheese quiche * Tandoori chicken goujons * Breaded Italian style whiting fillets Substantial items (served in noodle boxes) Cold * Chicken caeser salad * Grilled Mediterranean vegetable salad Hot * Chicken harissa, pappadum fruit chutney * Singapore noodles Asian greens 4. Beverage Suggestions and Cost 4.1 Beverage Packages (include GST) For the duration of your 5 hours function unlimited consumption, these are different great option for a beverage that gives your guests to test two types of wines and non-alcohol drinks (juice, soft drink, coffee tea). Also, our staff will refresh your drinks if your guests desire. You may like to continue with waiter service of drinks or we can arrange a bar area for later. Our drinks are as follows. Please choose 1 white 1 red wine from each beverage packages. Standard Beverage Package $35 per person * Stephen John N.V. Blanc de Blanc, Clare Valley SA * Willow Bridge Chardonnay, Geographe WA * Willow Bridge Sauvignon Blanc Semillon, Geographe WA * Willow Bridge Cabernet Merlot, Geographe WA * Willow Bridge Shiraz, Geographe WA * Hahn Premium Light, XXXX Gold, Tooheys Extra Dry + soft drink juice Deluxe Beverage Package $50 per person * Miceili Methode Champenoise, Mornington Peninsula VIC * Shottesbrooke Sauvignon Blanc, McLaren Vale SA * Shottesbrooke Chardonnay, McLaren Vale SA * Shottesbrooke Cabernet, McLaren Vale SA * Shottesbrooke Merlot, McLaren Vale SA * Hahn Premium Light, XXXX Gold, Tooheys Extra Dry + soft drink juice Note: To upgrade beers to Crown Lager Coronas add an extra $8.00pp. All appropriate staffing is also included in the package price. 4.2 Cocktails List (include GST) Cocktails are an additional price per guest as they are not included in the beverage package. Please choose a maximum of 2 cocktails to be served to your guests. In addition, fruit juices, coffee, tea, soft drinks and sparkling water will be available. Bellini Cocktails $10 per person * Peach Bellini * Lychee Bellini * Apricot Bellini Fresh fruit puree, Fruit liquor, Prosecco Long Cocktails $12 per person * Long Island Ice Tea Gin, Vodka, White rum, Cointreau, Tequila, Cola * Aqua Ice Tea Gin, Vodka, White rum, Cointreau, Blue curacao, Lemonade * Lynchburg Lemonade Jack Daniels, Lemon juice, Sugar, Lemonade Sour Cocktails $12 per person * Vodka Sours Fresh Lime, Sugar, Vodka * Whiskey Sours Fresh Lime, Sugar, Whiskey * Pisco Sours Fresh Lime, Sugar, Pisco Note: All appropriate staffing is also included in the package price. 5. Running Sheet Timing details is a very important aspect of running a function. Determining the appropriate times for the different stages of the function will ensure the food and beverage and technical arrangements can be timed and coordinated to coincide with the function timing requirements. Set menu function: Guests Arrival 6:30pm Pre-dinner Drinks 6:45pm Seated for dinner 7:05pm Entrà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½es Served 7:15pm Speeches Presentations 7:50pm Mains Served 8:30pm Entertainments 9:30pm Desserts/Drinks 10:00pm Coffee 10:30pm Departure 11:30pm Cocktail function: Guests Arrival 6:30pm Pre-drinks 6:50pm Seated for dinner 7:10pm Cold canapà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s Served 7:20pm Speeches Presentations 7:50pm Hot canapà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s Served 8:30pm Entertainments (DJ,dance) 9:30pm Departure 11:30pm Note: The drinks provide through whole cocktail function. 6. Preferred suppliers à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Event Services Andrew Dudley 0422 206 353 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Music Entertainment Bethanie Tobin 02 9419 4200 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Flowers and Table decorations Ria Gradon 0403 798 598 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Chair covers Edna Reed 02 9871 1599 [emailprotected] à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Photography Graham Monroe 02 9960 4600

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Mid Valley Megamall Tourism Essay

The Mid Valley Megamall Tourism Essay In the previous chapter, secondary data such as books, journals and online journals are used to conduct the literature review. In this chapter, primary data is collected through the case study. This chapter will cover the research framework consists of research purpose, research method, sampling method, research instrument and information collected from the case study. The analysis of the data is discussed in the next chapter. This case study is conducted for the purpose of investigating the level of customer satisfaction of the local customers towards the performance of a shopping centre. Mid valley megamall is chosen as the subject in case study. The time frame for the whole research is 1 month. RESEARCH FRAMEWORK First of all, the measurement objectives must be specified in order to simplify the research process. Basically, there are four types of customer satisfaction survey which is based on the measurement objectives of the research (Vavra, 2002). Since this research is used to investigate the level of performance of a shopping centre from the customers satisfaction in general, thus, it is known as overall status survey. According to Vavra, overall status survey is emphasized more on the general issues, overall performance, and overall customers satisfaction. (2002) RESEARCH METHOD AND PURPOSE This research is conducted using quantitative research method. From the customer satisfaction survey, the research information collected from the sample is the primary data. The aim of this study is to investigate the level of customers satisfaction in a shopping centre, to identify the actual need of customers through the distribution of questionnaires to the sample and to clarify whether the performance meet the customers expectations. POPULATION AND SAMPLING METHOD Sampling method is a method of choosing a group of peoples from the entire target population in order to obtain the required information. Basically, there are two types of sampling designs: probability and non-probability. This research has adopted non probability sampling technique which is most suitable for a widely dispersed population such as the customers of Mid Valley Megamall. It is impossible to use the probability sampling method for this research due to the difficulty in identifies the target populations as it is too large for research. The sample is selected to estimate the gross results because less cost and time required and the sample is easily obtained while compared with the probability sampling technique. The target populations for this research are the Malaysian customers of Mid Valley Megamall and the sample is limited to adult from 18 to 50 years old. This sample is chosen because these groups of person visit the shopping mall more frequently than other demographic profile. The sample size of 100 customers ranged from 18 to 50 years old is considered as representative of Malaysian customers of Mid Valley Megamall. 3.4 DESIGN OF QUESTIONNAIRE Questionnaire is used as research instrument for this study. The questionnaires are prepared according to the objectives which set up at the beginning. In order to obtain better response from the sample, the questionnaires are designed to be simple and easy to be understood. If the length of the questionnaires is too long, it will affect the rate of response. According to Vavra, there are four types of question can be collected, namely facts, attitudes, prediction behavior and demographics. (2002). Diversified types of question are more interesting for the customers. The questionnaire consists of three sections. The first section is about the demographic profile of the respondent. The objective is to know the respondents background. The second section is about the general information regarding the relationship between the respondents and the shopping mall. Besides, it is used to identify the actual need of the customers. The third section is about the investigation on the level of satisfaction of the customers from the sample chosen towards the location, product performance, staff, building layout, infrastructure and facilities provided in the shopping mall. This section is important in determine whether the shopping mall meet the requirements of the customers. Furthermore, it includes the recommendations from the customers in order to help the shopping mall to enhance their performance in the future. 3.5 SCALE For the questionnaire, every question has its own response options such as open-ended response and close-ended response. Open-ended questions require the opinions of the customers regarding the overall performance of the shopping mall. Close-ended questions are more efficient and quantifiable because it consists of numeric scales which used by the customers to express their feelings in a simple way. The scale is known as Likert Scale. The 5-point numerical scale is adopted which ranging from 1 to 5, 1 represents not satisfied, 2 represents somewhat dissatisfied, 3 represents neither satisfied or dissatisfied, 4 represents somewhat satisfied and 5 represents strongly satisfied. The scale help the respondents to make a clear decision based on their level of satisfaction. 3.6 DISTRIBUTION METHOD Distribution method also known as field method and it defined as the way used by the interviewer to distribute the questionnaires to the sample. The questionnaires in research are distributed to the customers personally at the Mid Valley Megamall and at the same time they return the questionnaires. 3.7 CASE STUDY: MID VALLEY MEGAMALL 3.71 BACKGROUND Mid Valley Megamall is one of the Malaysias largest urban development projects in the world. It was one of the projects inside the Mid Valley City. Mid Valley City desires to be the most modern and integrated mixed-use developments in the world. The construction starts in year 1995. At present, it comprises Mid Valley Megamall, Cititel Hotel, Menara IGB, Boulevard Offices, Boulevard Hotel, Northpoint Mid Valley City, Centrepoint North and South Towers, The Gardens Retail Gallery, The Gardens Hotel, The Gardens Residences and two landmark office towers. IGB Corporation Berhad, a property and investment holding company listed on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad is the developer of Mid Valley City while the Mid Valley Megamall is owned and operated by Kris Assets Holdings Berhad, a listed IGB subsidiary company. A two dimension master plan of Mid Valley City is enclosed in appendix. 3.72 DESCRIPTIONS OF MID VALLEY MEGAMALL Mid Valley Megamall is selected for the case study. Mid Valley Megamall is launched in year 1995 and it was opened in November 1999. Mid Valley Megamall is a complex consists of a shopping mall, an office tower block, 30 signature offices and two hotels. It is the first shopping mall comprises four successful anchor tenants, namely Jaya Jusco, Metrojaya, Carrefour and Golden Screen Cinemas. Besides, it comprises 13 junior and mini anchors and 403 specialty shops. Mid Valley Megamall has a gross floor area of 4.5 million square feet and net lettable area exceeds 1.7 million square feet. Mid Valley City is planned and developed as a City in a CityMid Valley Megamall is a key part of Mid Valley City. It was awarded the Best Shopping Complex Award 2000 by Tourism Malaysia and Best Retail Development Award 2001 by FIABCI Malaysia (International Real Estate Federation). Mid Valley Megamall is a good choice for the local residents and foreign tourists. Jusco is the Malaysias shopping retailing chain and supermarkets Carrefour is the largest hypermarket chain in the world in terms of size and the second largest retail group in the world in terms of revenue and third largest in terms of profit. It occupies one floor of Mid Valley Megamall. It provides a wide range of products, from fresh farm products, colourful seafood to household brands. Metrojaya occupied three floors of Mid Valley Megamall and offers wide range of local and international quality products which cater the need of medium and high income groups. Golden Screen Cinemas is the Malaysias largest chain of cinema which offers 18 screens and provides 2899 comfortable seats and spacious leg room. GSC not only brings you the best blockbuster, but also the international screening. Figure: Four Anchor Tenants of Mid Valley Megamall 3.73 MISSION AND VISION Mid Valley Megamall is aimed to fulfilling everyones needs. In order to achieve the mission, the highly energetic and talented professionals are appointed in departments. In fact, Mid Valley Megamall emphasizes on their service standard and it wishes to create a modern and stylish shopping paradise for their customers. As long as the customers are in the Mid Valley Megamall, they will make sure everyone enjoy the services and products provided. Besides, Mid Valley Megamall aims to maintain the growth of the shopping mall in the competitive retail industry. 3.74 FACTORS INFLUENCE THE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY Mid Valley Megamall is strategically located between Kuala Lumpur Central Business District and Petaling Jaya. It is located in a convenient location that can be easily accessible from all corners on the Klang Valley. Besides it is surrounded by Petaling Jaya, Bangsar and Damansara. There is a KTM Komuter train-stop and a LRT Station nearby while taxis are available at the entrances of Centre, North and South Courts. The KTM commuter station can be accessed through a covered pedestrian bridge to the Megamall. Its believed to bring an average of 10,000 passengers each day. The station is disable-friendly, and facilities comprise toilets, lifts, covered platforms, ticket and information counters and ticket vending machines. Furthermore, Mid Valley has offers free complimentary shutter bus services (Trinton Bus) at an interval of 30 minutes to 1 hour that travel between Bangsar LRT Station and Mid Valley South Court. Other option of transportation is the public transport available, the detail information about public transport is shown in figure. Figure: The KTM Route (Source: Mid Valley Megamall official website) Monday-Thursday Friday-Sunday Services available at every 30* minutes intervals *Subject to traffic conditions Form Bangsar LRT Station First Departure: 8.05 am Last Departure: 10.40pm From Mid Valley Megamall First Departure: 8.10am Last Departure: 10.45pm Form Bangsar LRT Station First Departure: 8.05 am Last Departure: 10.40pm From Mid Valley Megamall First Departure: 8.10am Last Departure: 10.55pm No shuttle services between these time 10.55am 11.25am 3.10pm 4.10pm 7.30pm 8.00pm No shuttle bus services between there times 10.55am 11.25am 2.45pm 3.45pm 7.15pm 7.45pm Figure: Bus Schedule for Shutter Bus (Source: Mid Valley Megamall official website) Bus No Bus Route Frequency Bus Stop Location T631 University LRT Station Mid Valley Megamall University LRT Station 20 30 min North Court U66 Klang Bus Stand KL Sentral Brickfields Mid Valley Megamall Taman Medan 15 20 min North Court South Court U84 Klang Bus Stand KL Sentral Bangsar LRT Station Mid Valley Megamall Kelana Jaya 15 20 min North Court South Court U85 Klang Bus Stand KL Sentral Bangsar LRT Station Mid Valley Megamall SS2 Seapark 15 20 min North Court South Court U87 Klang Bus Stand KL Sentral Bangsar LRT Station Mid Valley Megamall Bangsar Park 15 20 min North Court South Court Figure: General Bus Services (Source: Mid Valley Megamall official website.) Mid Valley Megamall can be accessed through five major highways and two railway lines. In the future, the improvement of road and public transportation will be done. It includes a designated monorail station, a link bridge to the Putra LRT Station and the upgrading of internal traffic flow. Being located in between Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya, an amount of RM250 million was invested in constructing a flyover and enhance the network of road for the purpose to connect the Federal Highway and all the major catchment and residential suburbs or businesses premises within Klang Valley to Mid Valley Megamall. The location plan is enclosed in appendix X. Meanwhile, the location of the department stores is also very important for the convenient of the customers. INFRASTRUCTURES AND FACILITIES Mid Valley consists of four entrances located at the direction of east, south, north and west respectively. Information Counters are available in Centre, North and South Court at ground floor. They are willing to assist those customers by showing a helpful attitude. In terms of car parking, Mid Valley is provided 4000 car parks in order to cater the need of high crowd during peak hours. Effective from 5 May 2008, the basement car parks of Mid Valley Megamall The Gardens Mall were separated where the car parks for Mid Valley Megamall are zones A and C. The exact location of the parking area is shown in the plan enclosed in appendix. Figure: New Car Park Rates effective 26 March 2007 until the present. (Source: Mid Valley Megamall official website.) Besides, Mid Valley Megamall also provides washrooms and baby changing facilities. The washrooms provided for the benefit of all the customers while the baby changing facilities are provided for the benefit of a mother. In addition, Mid Valley Megamall is comprises five lifts which enable the customers to travel from floor to floor. Escalators also available at East, South and North Court and there are two travelators that connecting the lower ground floor with basement which is very convenient for the customers. A proper floor plan is enclosed in appendix for further clarification of the exact location for the facilities and infrastructures. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Mid Valley consists of five floors where each floor is specifying for certain products and services. Lower ground floor is for daily essentials such as hypermarket, supermarket, pharmacies and money-changers. Besides, this floor is providing a numerous fast food outlet and local delights. Ground floor is mainly for the adults which include the apparel, footwear, accessories, beauty care, health care, bookstore and others essential items that fulfill the desires of an adult. First floor is the paradise for a kid, which include the fashion for kids, beauty and hair saloons for the adults. Second floor is specialized for those who wish to decorate their house. Besides, IT Centre is also available in this floor to cater the need of young generation in the ever changing technology of the world. Third floor is for entertainment such as Golden Screen Cinemas, Mid Valley Exhibition Centre, Pets Wonderland, Cosmic Bowl, Megakidz and a food court. Besides the products, the proper display area also being taken into consideration in order to be easily accessible by the customer. Mid valley is able to stimulate customers to spend more time and money in Mid Valley through the visual display merchandising. The store directory: Anchors Accessories Apparel Discounters Entertainment Exhibition/ Property Showroom Food and Beverage Health/ Personal Care Houseware and Furnishings Information Technology Jewellery Leisure Luggage Shoes and Bags Sporting Goods and Apparel Sundry and Services Tailoring Textile Watches and Pens Mid Valley Megamall also provides certain services for the convenience of the customers. The services provided: ATMs Banks Cobbler Laundrette Money Changers Post Office Alteration Shop Clinic Dentist Locksmith Newstands Print Shop STAFF In addition, Mid Valley Megamall is continually investing in a comprehensive staff training and skills development programme which aimed at improving both the soft and hard skills of the staff and enable them to perform their responsibilities in a right manner. The quality and attitude of the staffs will be indirectly affecting the level of customer satisfaction towards Mid Valley Megamall. The important qualities of the staffs are friendliness, helpfulness, communication skill and responsiveness. BUILDING LAYOUT Challenge of the management team of Mid Valley Megamall is to ensure the customers willing to visit Mid Valley Megamall repeatedly. Mid Valley Megamall is a customer-centric shopping centre which offers best and wide range of services. It is operated by an experienced team of industry experts to ensure the innovative marketing and leasing initiatives. Besides, Mid Valley Megamall was invested over millions in comprehensive store renovation and upgrading activities in order to improve and enhance the malls environment. In terms of marketing, Mid Valley Megamall has planned the promotion aggressively with the mission to provide the delightful shopping experience to the shoppers. In order to bring excitement and hour of enjoyment to the shoppers, visual merchandising are used in creating a unique atmosphere for the public and enhance the competitiveness of Mid Valley Megamall. The marketing and promotional activities are supported by themed and strong-concept in-house events throughout the mall such as Mid Valley Megamall Fashion Week 2009 which introduce the hottest spring or summer collections through the fabulous design and chic runway shows. This show is designated for the fashion lover. During different festivals such as Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Merry Christmas celebration, Mid Valley Megamall will decorate the centre court into atmosphere with unique and attractive theme. Mid Valley Megamall was the only shopping mall in Asia that achieved international recognition in MAXI Awards ceremony held in Hollywood last year. This award is organized by International Council of Shopping Centres. For the Hari Raya celebration 2008, Mid Valley Megamall themed as Cherish The Good Old Days in a Brand New Way that create a harmony atmosphere. This unique theme help Mid Valley Megamall won in the Visual Merchandising category of the MAXI Award. 3.5 SUMMARY This chapter has discussed about the research process which include the research framework, research method and purpose, population of questionnaire, the scale for the questions and distributing method. A case study in Mid Valley Megamall has been discussed in this chapter; it includes the background, description, mission and vision of Mid Valley Megamall. Furthermore, the factors that influences the customer satisfaction being discussed for the case study of Mid Valley Megamall. The factors are location and accessibility, infrastructure and facilities, product and services, staff and building layout.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Who Stole My Cheese? Self-Analysis Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Change, like time, is always happening. There is no way to stop it, not even for a second. Whither or not you realize it, you are always changing in every possible way. However, we commonly simplify change to only the large differences in our normal routines each day or week, whither they are expected or unexpected. These large problems can sometimes become problems for people, which is not surprising. They should be problems, whither they are good problems to have, or bad. It is our job to adapt to these changes, and to adapt quickly. All of the time it takes you to adapt, is time lost, time you will never regain. This principle is easily explained by Spencer Johnson, M.D. in his book Who Moved My Cheese?.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hem, Haw, and two speedy mice running through a maze looking for cheese first sounded like a very odd way to analyze how people deal with change, however, after reading a section, the comparison between two different people and mice is a very creative and correct comparison. The mice, are concerned with one thing, their cheese. They do not worry about having a permanent home or structure to fall back on. They are like Indians following the buffalo wherever they roam. They are constantly on the move following their source of life. The little people, Hem and Haw, however, are more concerned with have a home, and a schedule. A life that stays the same with themselves always perfectly content. They do not want to hav...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Biography of Julius Caesar Essay -- Julius Caesar Roman Empire Essays

Biography of Julius Caesar A baby was born on July 12 or 13 of 100 BC in Rome. Little did the proud parents of this baby know that he would rule most of the known world. This baby was born to the name of Gaius, his personal name, Julius was the name of his family's clan and the name of his family was Caesar meaning hairy. Caesar was such an amazing man that many people couldn't believe that he was born the same way as them. Over time stories have arisen about Caesar's birth. One story says that Caesar was pulled from an incision in his mother's stomach. This is where the medical term of Cesarean section came from, from Caesar's birth. Not everyone paid that much attention to the birth of Caesar, it was overshadowed by exploits of his Uncle Gaius Marius. Marius was a politician, he was a "new man" or a plebeian politician. He married into the aristocratic Caesar family so he would have a name to back up his words. Marius did not receive a first-class education or a lot of other advantages some politicians had. Marius was elected consul in 108 BC, once in office he proved himself as a brilliant general. He persuaded the senate to send him to Africa and replace the general in the war there. He took over for General Metellus. Soon he ended the war that had been dragging on for many years. When he returned to Rome Marius found another chance for fame. Nomadic German tribes had invaded the north of Italy and winning a couple battles over Roman armies. Marius took the spotlight away from this little bundle of joy named Caesar.No matter what he wanted he was propelled into politics. Many of his relatives were senators or held other important political offices. He listened to many political discussions between his family which had substantial influences on him. He was trained to be a politician by his tutor Antonius Gnipho. He studied Greek and Latin literature, philosophy, and most important, rhetoric or the art of persuasive argument. At the age of twelve he was brought to the senate house to watch speeches and debates.As a kid he wrote numerous poems and plays. Augustus believed that these writings might tarnish his reputation, when he became emperor he burned all of Caesar works. Caesar was a very handsome boy and for that matter man too. He dressed in a style all his own. He was not very strong as boy. All male children were expected to be goo... ...ors over the edge. Caesar wanted to lead armies again in new and glorious conquests. He made plans to leave Rome for two years and lead an army. He was to leave on March 19. This meant the assassination had to take place soon, Cassius had to make final plans. Caesar knew something was wrong he had spies everywhere and a soothsayer openly said that he would be killed. He refused to take precautions and even dismissed his bodyguard. This whole time he refused to be crowned king. Caesar was scheduled to attend a meeting on the Ides, or fifteenth, of March, that was the day the conspirators would attack. On March fourteenth Caesar's wife had terrible dreams of her husband's death. In the morning his wife pleaded with him not to go. Caesar postponed the session. One of the conspirators named Decimus Brutus came to Caesar's house and persuaded him to come to the session. He gave in and came to the session. His wife's try to save him failed. When Caesar entered the Senate a group formed around him and stabbed him to death. He was stabbed 23 times then fell on a statue of Pompey. So Caesar died. Caesar had a great life and then was stabbed because people were jealous of him.

The Importance of an Ant :: Personal Narrative Ants Essays Insects

The Importance of an Ant I gaze carefully. My little red friend scrambles across my keyboard. Amazing, all those limbs and joints bending and stretching in a rhythmic fluidity, tiny feelers waving excitedly. He approaches a friend, and they tap each other in friendly camradrie, perhaps even love. He waves in understanding and he is off again, this time swiftly scampering toward the Collegiate Coupon book sitting on my desk. He surges upwards a few millimeters and slips into the crack between the pages. Okay. So my desk isn’t exactly Walden Pond. The last time I saw leaves change color in here was when my plant died last year. And there certainly are no long lines of wisdom-seekers at my door searching for inspiration. But the ants don’t care. They simply go about their business, whatever it may be. I used to think their existence was pointless. Now I know it is. They spend their lives migrating from the radiator to my computer and back. I have no idea what they could possibly eat in my room, unless they somehow discovered how to eat through the canned kidney beans or the dried pasta stored under my bed. Even their movements have no purpose. I watch in stupefaction as they turn around at least ten times while traveling a mere six inches. Maybe the most pitiful thing is that the ants have no individual identity. â€Å"Oh, that ant! The red one with the three body segments and the six legs. The one that likes to scurry. Why didn’t you say so?† Have you ever seen an ant smile? Have you swapped stories with an ant over a warm cup of cocoa? Do the ants that live by the Great Pyramids or by the Taj Mahal appreciate these wondrous monuments? Do they feel sympathy for the victims at the World Trade Center? No. My little friends just continue to walk around aimlessly. They are born in obscurity and they die in obscurity. Unlike ants, humanity has achieved greatness. We marvel at the intellect of Leonardo da Vinci or the musical genius of Beethoven.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dixons Hrm Brief

Human Resource Management Functional Brief Dixons Group’s decision to reorientate the business around serving the customer has had far reaching implications for Human Resource Management (HRM). The emphasis on first-class customer service is intended to help Dixons differentiate itself from its online competitors. The decision to stress personal, face-to-face interactions is clearly something that online competitors will be unable to replicate and if this can be turned into a source of competitive advantage for the company then it represents a sound strategic move.The strategy does, however, hinge on Dixons being able to deliver this excellent customer service. The very face-to-face nature of service delivery means that it can only be provided through the employees of Dixons group which, in turn, means that human resource management is pivotal. This shift in emphasis is best illustrated by the two delivery drivers in the video of the customer plan who comment that when deliver ing goods ‘we shouldn’t just be saying â€Å"sign here† and then running off. We should give them [the customer] that experience’. http://www. dixonsretail. com/dixons/templates/modules/video. jsp) Aligning HRM strategy with this shift in business strategy has considerable implications for Dixons employees. With employee turnover at 15% – a low level for a retail organisation – the majority of employees affected by the change have spent time working under the previous system. This means that a significant amount of retraining is necessary to ensure that employees both know and are able to implement the new strategy.At the heart of the new strategy is the idea of solving problems for the customer. As Group Chief Executive, Sebastian James points out ‘When customers come in and say they want a television what they actually mean is that they want to do something – they want to watch the game, entertain the kids†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Traini ng Dixons staff to help solve the customers’ problems involves ensuring that they not merely have excellent product knowledge but also the know how to provide ancillary services around the product.Dixons achieves this through a mixture of techniques, for example workshops and e-learning. Techniques to help the employees remember the key features of particular products are also employed. Through a clear, customer orientated approach, Dixons hopes to be able to help solve their customers’ problems, rather than simply sell them a box. This training has cost Dixons a great deal of money, with all staff having been through at least three cycles of retraining.These efforts, however, appear to be bearing fruit with significantly improved customer advocacy measures. The percentage of customers who are ‘very likely to recommend’ Dixons has risen from 43% to 73% since 2010 (Dixons Annual Report and Accounts 2011/12, p. 9). The Dixons case illustrates how the alignme nt of business strategy with people strategy is important in achieving organisational objectives. The customer metrics appear to be improving and it will be interesting to see how this impacts on the financial performance of the business.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Counselors as Companions and Ethics in Human Services Essay

In this article the counselor states: â€Å"I found that when working with such clients, my role as counselor is more akin to a special type of travel companion who is willing to understand and respect the process of walking along a sacred life path. This is the only way I can effectively help a client explore the deeper dimensions of the self that are being challenged. As the hero’s companion I must be willing to share in the client’s pain as well as new, and oftentimes unexpected, discoveries.† (Halstead, 2000) The counselor learned that he needed to be a companion not a guide. He also learned that no matter how hard a situation is or no matter how many times someone tells you that you cannot do something, if you have the willpower and want to, you can overcome anything you encounter on life’s journey. As the counselor, we must show the client that we are there for them and not tell them what they should be doing or how they should handle a certain situation. In the future, I feel the counselor will be more supportive of the decisions his clients make. As a counselor, we may sometimes feel that the client should do something one way and try to push them towards it but in the end the client really does know what is best for them. There are so many people like Steve in The Hero’s Journey, who are told they will never be able to do something and they work hard, overcome every obstacle thrown their way and prove everyone wrong. I believe that everyone we come in contact with changes us in one way or the other. I believe everyone has a story that can help the next person. I have a best friend who called me one day and was telling me about this girl she knew who had lost everything, kids, house, car, job, everything someone can  lose, she had lost it. My best friend starts telling me that this girl had turned to drugs, prostitution, living on the streets and had also mentioned suicide a few times. My best friend told me that she felt like if this girl was to hear my story then it would help her so I told her to bring this girl to my house. They get to my house and I immediately wanted to cry because when I looked at this girl, I seen what I looked like eleven years ago. She was about 5’11 and maybe 100 pounds, her face was sunk in and you could tell she had not had a shower in a long time. I got her something to eat and drink and then told her my story. I told her about how I was raised Pentecostal by my grandmother who taught me right from wrong. I never wanted for anything growing up and had a family that loved me just like she did. When I turned 18 years old, I started doing drugs, prostitution, being beaten almost on a daily basis by a man who I thought loved me, being rapped on several occasions, almost killed three different times, dying from a drug/alcohol overdose but the doctors were able to bring me back, being sent to prison while I was pregnant for something I didn’t do, having my son in prison and losing custody of him and how I turned my life around when I got out of prison. While I am telling my story to this sad and lost girl, she is crying the whole time and I know it is because she is just a younger version of me. I was told that I would never be anything but a failure at life and would never amount to anything but looking at my life now, you would never know that I had went through any of that unless I told you. Today, this girl has her kids back, a beautiful home, making about $50,000 a year, a husband who truly loves her and she says it is because my story gave her the strength she needed to turn her life around. When we got done that night, she looked at me and said, â€Å"Thank you for sharing your story with me, it has given me the hope and strength that I have been looking for to turn my life around. I wanted to end my life and just be done with it all.† That night she promised me she was not going to stop fighting and she didn’t. So yes, I believe with all my heart that most people you come in contact with change you in some way. Steve states in the article that, â€Å"I really grew up because of all this. Before the attack I was going nowhere. Now I have a direction.† (Halstead, 2000) His challenges gave him a greater sensitivity to others needs who were  recovering from strokes and brain injuries. (Halstead, 2000) I believe that having a counselor who believed in him also helped Steve to not give up. Steve had been told by doctor after doctor that he would always be limited to things he would be able to do. Having just one person tell him that he could do anything he put his mind to, gave him the extra push he needed to overcome those limitations the doctors had given him. I feel that both Steven and the counselor benefited from this relationship. When Steve’s psychiatrist called the counselor, I do not feel the psychiatrist had a right to discuss Steve with the counselor without his permission. I do feel the counselor did right by not going into details about his sessions with Steve and waited until Steve returned to school to speak with him about it. However, when the counselor seen that Steve was depressed and thinking about suicide when he received his fall semester grades, the counselor had a responsibility to Steve to seek help from someone else. In the Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals it states that â€Å"if it is suspected that danger or harm may occur to the client or to others as a result of a client’s behavior, the human service professional acts in an appropriate and professional manner to protect the safety of those individuals. This may involve seeking consultation, supervision, and/or breaking the confidentiality of the relationship.† (National Organization for Human Services, n.d) If I ever have a client that is thinking about suicide, I will talk to my supervisor and ask for his help in coming up with a plan to help my client, maybe ask my supervisor to sit in on a session with me and talk to the client as well. Because of the personal nature of their work, human service workers at all levels are held to a code of ethics that protects the rights and dignity of clients and establishes standards of practice. (Sessoms, n.d) The National Organization of Human Service ethical standards places a responsibility on human service workers that have for their clients, the community, colleagues, employers, the profession and the human service worker themselves. The National Association of Social Workers approaches ethics through a core set of values, which include service, dignity and worth of the person, social justice, integrity and competence. (Sessoms, n.d) Reference Halstead, R. W. (2000). FROM TRAGEDY TO TRIUMPH: COUNSELOR AS COMPANION ON THE HERO’S JOURNEY. Retrieved from National Organization for Human Services. (n.d.). Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals. Retrieved July 5, 2014, from Sessoms, G. (n.d.). Code of Ethics for Human Service Workers. Retrieved July 5, 2014, from http://

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Investments for Inflationary and Deflationary Environments Essay

Inflation is the raise of a price level of good and services over a period of time. When there is an inflation each unit of currency buys fewer goods than it was possible before. Inflation affects can be both positive and negaive. Positive effect inclule ensuring that central banks will ajust real interest rates and encaurage investment in non-moneaty capital projects and the negative side is that people hav uncertainty over future and can damage investments and savings. Inflation can be cosed because of big amount of money supply. So now what are the best investments during inflation? The good thing is that there are some places there money investments will be secured. Important during inflationary environment is to avoid having cash, it is good not to hold cash for long time and allocate it into other assets and investments. It is very good to invest cash into gold or other precious meas. It always casts a lot after the inflation or crises. Gold is seen as a hedge against uncertainty and store of value. Investing into gold is possible to buy gold or just to invest into company which are mining gold. It is profitable to invest in crude oil, a lot of people invest into it as a protection against inflation. Oil is inelastic supply, so any decrease or increase in price would not result the increase or decrease in supply. There is many ways investing into crude oil with its con and pros. If you want to invest in short fixed income, you should avoid the US treasure because they may underperform. When yields start to raise bond price will fall. This investment provides a return in the form of fixed periodic payments and eventual return of principal at maturity. Investing into technology is also very good both at deflationary and inflationary environment. Does not matter on an environment technology is in demand and will continue to evolve. It is good and profitable to buy treasure protected securities so called TIPS, it gives a safety of the government bonds during inflation. Deflation is the opposite of inflation, decrease in the general price-level of goods and services. Deflation occurred when inflation rate falls below 0%. Deflation increases the real value of money. While deflation cash is â€Å"king†. It the rule number one, cash is one of the best and the most safety investment at the deflationary environment. Pay off debts is also very good while deflationary time. It is a period when every single dollar matters, each dollar can be profitable in future. Companies may have problems while deflation, so it is very good to invest in companies which have ideal short selling targets. Buy also high quality dividend paying stocks. While most of the firms will lose pricing power large cap high quality companies will dominate their industries and will be able to maintain pricing power. Seek companies with pristine balance. While deflation, house prices fall, as such it is better or rent rather than own. While deflation technology will still be in demand. The technology was announces as one of the best areas to allocate capital in high quality equities. As we already know TIPs are long-term protection while inflationary environment. But there is an opinion that deflation will lead to inflation after a period of time. This is an early protection in deflationary environment to avoid problems in future.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Peking Opera

Modern observers in the West may not understand why, but they can certainly recognize when males are used to portray female roles in the Chinese theater. A quote from Act 2 Scene 7 of David Henry Hwang's opera, â€Å"Madam Butterfly,† provides a useful example of how and why males are used to play female roles. There, a male singer who plays female roles in Beijing Opera deceives a French diplomat into thinking he actually is a woman. He explains that males take the female roles â€Å"because only a man knows how a woman is supposed to act† This explanation resonates on multiple levels with varying degrees of irony, suggesting that gender is as performative in life as it is in theater. To this end, this paper examines how men playing the tan role in the Beijing Opera define and enforce the idea of femininity by performing the female role to determine how men perform femininity on stage in the Beijing Opera. A summary of the research is provided in the conclusion. Review and Discussion Background and Overview. The importance of actors and acting has long been celebrated in China; in fact, the first document concerning â€Å"actors† can be found in the Records of the Great Historian, written by Sima Qian (145-90 BCE), who was appointed to the court of Emperor Wu (reigned 141-87 BCE) of the Western Han dynasty (cited in Thorpe 269). Likewise, the use of male actors to portray female characters also has a long history in China, although many contemporary researchers consider its origins to be primarily in the last century and a half. According to Tian (2000), â€Å"The art of male dan –specialists in female roles — is one of the most important issues in traditional Chinese theatre, especially in jingju (Beijing or Peking opera)† (78). Beijing opera, or literally â€Å"opera of the capital,† emerged in the mid-19th century in China by incorporating components of huidiao from Anhui, dandiao from Hubei, and kunqu, the traditional opera that had predominated the country since the 14th century; performed in Mandarin, the dialect of Beijing and of the traditional elite, the jingxi musical verse plays came to be performed throughout China, although most provinces and many major cities developed their own operatic variants using local dialects (Brandon 2). As Beijing opera spread out from its original roots in Beijing to become an actual national theatre in China, there were some issues that arose concerning tradition and innovation. For instance, in his book, Diasporas and Interculturalism in Asian Performing Arts: Translating Traditions, Um (2004) reports that, â€Å"The art as performed in Beijing was considered the ‘pure' form, referred to as ‘jingpai' ([Bei]jing style). But somewhat paradoxically, innovation was only regarded as truly successful if it was recognized in Beijing. For instance, liupai, the schools or styles of acting representative of the creative work of individual actors, could only be established through the validation of Beijing audiences and critics† (161). Before the mid-20th century, Beijing opera was considered to be actor-centered, both in terms of performance as well as the creative process; this mindset meant that all major creative work was either accomplished by or supervised by the actors but even this creative work had be approved by Beijing (Um 161). In fact, â€Å"An actor's original composition, scripting, staging and performance achieved the power of long-term influence and continuity only when Beijing conferred liupai status† (Um 161). According to Brandon (2006), Beijing operas are highly conventionalized in terms of movements, costumes and makeup; the respective attitudes of the individual characters in Beijing opera products are communicated through traditional postures, steps, and arm movements. In addition, both actors and actresses wear carefully applied face paint to indicate which characters they portray and various acrobatic movements are often employed to suggest violence (Brandon 2-3). Other devices are also used in Beijing opera to communicate what may not be readily discernible to uninitiated Western observers, but which are immediately recognized by Chinese audiences. For example, musical accompaniment for Beijing opera is provided by a small orchestra of stringed and wind instruments, wooden clappers, and a small drum; brief interludes of spoken narration allow singers to rest periodically during the characteristically lengthy performances; these devices also carry with them understood conventions that convey important points to be made (Brandon 3). As noted above, the Beijing opera has traditionally employed an all-male cast, including males portraying the female parts; however, during the late 20th century, Beijing opera expanded its scope to admit female actors as well (Brandon, 2006). The most popular male performer in the Beijing Opera was Mei Lanfang, who played mostly female roles; he introduced the art form to an international audience by touring in Japan, the United States, and the Soviet Union (Brandon 3). In her chapter, â€Å"Traditional theater in contemporary China,† Elizabeth Wichmann (1988) reports that, â€Å"Beijing opera has been the nationally dominant form of theater in China for at least one hundred years. However, it is only one among more than 360 indigenous, or traditional, forms of Chinese theater currently being staged† (184). The salient features of Beijing opera today can be traced to the Yuan dynasty, when the particular styles of costume and makeup were indicative of the nature of the character wearing them (Wichmann 184). According to this author, â€Å"At least in terms of refinement and elaboration, the Beijing opera (jingju) and other allied styles of Qing dynasty regional theater probably represent the high point of Chinese stage costume, and their styles of ‘painted face’ makeup are more numerous and complex than the stage makeups of any other culture or period† (Wichmann 2). Likewise, the distinctive Beijing opera walking styles of the dan (female roles) and sheng are clearly recognizable in other traditional forms, just as are the stylized hand and eye movements of the huadan (Wichmann 2). Although some localized forms of theater have not include certain role types (the jing being the role type most frequently excluded), the walk, posture, and gestures techniques used for every other role type traditionally included in each form and can be recognized by modern Chinese audiences without fail as belonging to that role type throughout the various forms of traditional Chinese theater (Brandon 3). Vocal stylizations, though, in many cases are significantly different from one theater form to the next, being reflective of a specific role type and of the specific form of theater (Brandon 3). In Beijing opera, actors portraying female roles typically use distinctly different vocal ranges and tonal qualities, including extremely high natural register production, midrange chest-supported nasal production, and a type of vocal production that is similar to the yodel, in which the performer must have a very wide vocal range (Wichmann 187). According to Wichmann (1988), â€Å"Through their combined imagery, the vocal and physical stylizations of each role type convey the primarily Confucian values and resulting behavior patterns traditionally deemed appropriate by society for each type of role thus portrayed† (187). Historic Influences on the Use of Male Actors for Female Roles in Beijing Opera. Fortunately for contemporary historians, there is a good account of how male actors came to portray female roles in the Beijing opera in the historical records. According to Guy (2001), Beijing opera is just one of more than 360 different regional forms of Chinese opera that differ primarily according to the regional dialect used in song and speech as well as in their musical materials. â€Å"In comparison with many of the world's other great musical theater traditions such as Japanese Noh, Italian opera, or Javanese wayang, Peking opera is a relatively new form. Its birth is popularly traced to 1790† (Guy 377). In reality, though, the origins of the male dan role can be traced back much further in Chinese history. For example, in her essay, â€Å"Male Dan: The Paradox of Sex, Acting, and Perception of Female Impersonation in Traditional Chinese Theatre,† Tian (2000) reports that, â€Å"The tradition of the male dan can be traced back to ancient music and dance. It probably dates back as early as the Han dynasty (206 B. C. -A. D. 219)† (78). A highly regarded scholar of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Jiao Xun (1763-1820), cites a source suggesting that in the Han dynasty, there were also male actors that impersonated jinu (female singers and dancers), a tradition that served as the basis for the convention of female impersonation later called zhuang dan (Tian 78). By the end of the Wei dynasty (220-264), Emperor Cao Fang, who reigned from 240-254 CE, was reported to have enjoyed watching his young male jesters portray nubile young women whose excessive wantonness was an embarrassment to onlookers (Tian 78). Likewise, Emperor Xuan Di, who ruled from 578-579 CE of the North Zhou dynasty (557-581), issued a decree that required handsome young men of the city to dress as women and to sing and dance inside the imperial court for the emperor and his entourage (Historical records of the Beijing theatre cited in Tian at 78). During the reign of Emperor Yang Dig (605-616) of the Sui dynasty (589-617), from January 1 to January 15, a period in Chinese history when foreign princes and visitors were taxed by the Emperor in the form of tribute, thousands of singers and dancers gathered and performed in the country’s capital; the majority of these performers were dressed as females, and wore flowers and jewelry (Wang 190 cited in Tian at 78). By the mid-7th century, during the Tang dynasty (618-906), the Chinese empress requested that women be prohibited from taking part in any theatrical performance, a proclamation that resulted in the conventional segregation of male players and female singers and dancers employed at the court (Tian 78). Emperor Xuan Zong, who ruled from 712-756, was responsible for the development of the Liyuan (â€Å"Pear Garden†) and Yichunyuan (â€Å"Pleasure House†); the Liyuan used male performers exclusively while the Yichunyan used female singers and dancers (Tian 78). According to Tian (2000), â€Å"It is highly possible that the performances by the Liyuan actors might have involved female impersonation. It is clear that outside the court, jiafu xi (a performance featuring female impersonation) was part of various performances and entertainments in the Tang dynasty† (78). Historical accounts confirm that many male actors were proficient at playing female roles; furthermore, there is also historical evidence that confirms boys dressed as women performed for aristocratic families (Tian 78). During the Tang dynasty, a highly popular performance that involved female impersonation was the folk singing and dance performance known as â€Å"tayaoniang† (stamping and swaying wife). These performances were characterized by the wife being impersonated by a man, who complains about being beaten by her inebriated husband and sings to the rhythm of â€Å"her† dance while the audience responds in chorus (Cui 1959:18 cited in Tian at 78). Peking Opera Peking Opera Peking Opera is China’s national opera. Opera is so popular in China that they declared a â€Å"Peking Opera Month†. Peking Opera has been around for 200 years. â€Å"Its main melodies originated from Xipi and Erhuang in Anhui and Hubei respectively and, overtime, techniques from many other local operas were incorporated†. Peking Opera is said to have come to the front after 1790 when the famous four Anhui opera troupes came to Beijing. Peking Opera was developed quickly over the reign of Emperor Qianlong and the Empress Dowager Cixi under the imperial patron and became accessible to the common people.Peking Opera was originally performed on outside stages such as a teahouse or temple courtyards. The singers developed a piercing style of singing that could be heard over the loud orchestra. â€Å"The costumes were a garish collection of sharply contrasting colors to stand out on the dim stage illuminated by oil lamps†. Peking Opera incorporates parts from â€Å"The Grand Opera, ballet and acrobatics, consisting of dance, dialogue, monologues, martial arts and mime†. The â€Å"Nueva Cancion† Song Tradition Nueva Cancion† is Spanish for new song. Nueva Cancion â€Å"is a movement and genre within Latin American and Iberian music of folk music, folk-inspired music and socially committed music†. Nueva Cancion is seen as playing a powerful role in the social upheavals in Portugal, Spain, and Latin America during the 1970s and 1980s. Nueva Cancion started in Chile in the 1960s and was known as â€Å"The Chilean New Song†. Soon Nueva Cancion started to emerge in Spain and other areas of Latin America. Nueva Cancion renewed tradtitional Latin American folk music, and was soon associated with revolutionary movements, the Latin American New Left, Liberation Theology, hippie and human rights movements due to political lyrics†. Many Neuva Cancion musicians were often censored, exiled, forced to disappear and even tortured by â€Å"right-winged military dictatorships, as in Francoist Spain, Pinochet’s Chile and in Videla and Galtireri’s Argentina†. Neuva Cancion songs were so politically strong and because of this have been used in more recent â€Å"political campaigns, the Orange Revolution, which used Violeta Parra’s Gracias a la vida†.